The Sunday Edit: Getting Personal

I am writing this with a bit of a knot in my stomach as tomorrow morning I am taking my daughter into hospital for surgery. She is having grommets fitted which I know is a very routine and relatively quick operation but it still gives me that dreaded knot feeling. She will be under general aesthetic and I get to bring her home the same day so I am planning lots of treats and Frozen re-runs.

Being a mother is hard work – emotionally hard work. Its an amazing gift and an incredible journey and no one tells you how much love you will have for your children… or at least you can’t imagine how you will feel until it happens. Its certainly knocked me for six. The responsibility I have for this little person. The decisions I have to make for her. There’s nothing quite like the love between a parent and their child.


So my Sunday positivity comes at the perfect time as I prepare for tomorrows hospital trip. I hope by sharing this with you I can help inspire any of you with those Sunday dreads and get you set-up for your week ahead.

Let’s make this week a stylish, happy, healthy, funny week, full of special moments.

And as for the less than perfect moments… we have coffee and gin!

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Thank you so much for reading. I love to hear your thoughts.




5 thoughts on “The Sunday Edit: Getting Personal

  1. I hope it went well today and your little girl is okay 💕 I’m not a mum but I remember my mum being distraught when I rang her to tell her I was just about to have my appendix out and I was in my twenties at that point!

    I love your Sunday posts and all the pictures in your posts too. I’ve just started a blog which has travel, interiors, clothes and other bits on it. I’d love it if you’d stop by and let me know what you think 😊

    Katie x


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